Give Your Customers Peace Of Mind With Tls Security

  1. Give Your Customers Peace Of Mind With Tls Security Level
  2. Peace Of Mind Lyrics
  3. Piece Of Mind
  4. Give Your Customers Peace Of Mind With Tls Security Settings
  5. Give Your Customers Peace Of Mind With Tls Security Certificate

SSL/TLS can give robust data privacy, server authentication, and dependable data integrity to give your customers and you some peace of mind. Imagine that you wake up in the morning and read about your company being experienced a data breach? FreeAgent strongly encrypts your information to give you peace of mind. We continuously monitor for malicious activity; proactively finding and eliminating security risks. Certified to the Cyber Essentials standard, we have an extra level of external, independent assurance that we’re doing the right things to help protect our systems.

Today, we’re announcing two new features that give customers more control over the security of their data.This announcement is another exciting milestone for our customers and us as we help them gain greater confidence in building their business-critical applications to store their confidential datainQuick Base.

Protect Your Intellectual Property

As companies continue to migrate their proprietary and sensitive data to the cloud, they are quickly acquiring a broad array of SaaS tools. With this trend, CIOs and CSOs have a strong mandate to ensure their data is not only safe, but they also have more control over the security of their data. This need is driven by either external regulatory policies or internal security standards.

Customers want to ensure their technology vendors have a strong track record on security and that they are investing in innovating for the future. Quick Base already has a strong track record over the years in delivering state-of-the-art security and protection for our service and our customers. We currently offer industry-leading standards for best-in-class security controls within the platform, a highly secure approach to physical data centers and data encryption and leverage best-of-breed security and service monitoring tools.

However, security threats continue to evolve, and companies need to minimize the low-likelihood, but high-potential cost security risks associated with their data.

New Security Features

As Quick Base customers continue to build more applications to store their confidential data, they are looking to get additional security controls. To meet those needs, we are announcing the following two features.

1. Advanced Data Encryption

Quick Base currently encrypts all customer data in transit (data moving from one location to another across the internet) and at rest (data stored on servers). Quick Base encrypts data in transit using TLS certificate and is one of the market-leading vendors that encrypt app data and file attachments at rest using best-in-class AES 256-bit encryption key hosted by Quick Base.

And, while we do provide best-in-class data encryption, customers want more control over how their data is encrypted at rest in Quick Base. This need for security control is either driven by external regulations (e.g. HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, etc.) or customer’s internal security standards. To meet those needs, we’re announcing an Advanced Data Encryption feature that enables customers to encrypt their data at rest using a customer-specific encryption key that they can change on their schedule.

This feature comes with two configurations: (1) Customer-specific unique encryption key provided and hosted by Quick Base and the key can be changed by customers on their schedule. This configuration is available for our customers today. (2) Customer-specific unique encryption key provided and hosted by customers in their own Key Management System (KMS) or Hardware Security Module (HSM). This configuration will be available later this winter.

While this feature does not change the strength of the encryption key used to encrypt data at rest (i.e., AES 256-bit key), it does give our security-minded customers more control over encryption of their data in Quick Base. Even though other low-code app development platforms provide this advanced encryption feature, their default encryption key is usually of lower strength (i.e., AES 128-bit key) and their higher strength encryption key often compromises certain out of the box functionality.

Site Seals (Trust Seal) – Learn why they Matter

Trust is like currency on the internet, it’s needed for Communication or Commerce to Take Place.

You have made a perfect website with great content and even spent a lot of time and money on search optimization and online advertisement. Now, thinking of visitors to do business on your website is nothing wrong, but how do you make that deal, make them buy the product you’re selling? The answer is TRUST. If the visitor trusts your website, they will likely proceed forward to the transaction.

How do you build that trust? Well, one way is by having an SSL certificate installed properly so it activates all the right visual indicators. Another is the Site Seal also known as Secure Site Seal & Trust Seal.

Whenever a visitor lands on your website, they notice the visible trust indicators. If the Site Seal of any branded Certificate Authority like Comodo or DigiCert is easily visible to them, it will make a positive impact.

A site seal is one of the visual indicators that tells users that they have landed on a secure website and it’s safe to make a transaction here. It also tells the customer that security is a serious topic that is taken care of by securely encrypting the website transactions.

In other words, these Trust seals are one type of advertising to let online shoppers know that a website they are visiting meets all the requirements of a trusted third-party. It offers immediate credibility in the online world, which reassures users that your website’s identity is protected, and it’s also verified as per the stringent security standards of a trusted CA, which helps them to transact confidently rather than abandoning their shopping cart.

The online world has a long history of using Secure Site Seals, but in the past several years, their usage has taken a decided boost. Like a notice from the Board of Health in a restaurant, a site seal on any website speaks volumes about the business and its practices.

In today’s world, shoppers can easily find the visible clues of trustworthiness for any store or restaurant they visit. However, in the online world, it’s quite hard to find those things, as it has become quite easy for fraudsters to create any fake online storefront and to trick innocent users to give away their sensitive information such as credit card and other personal details. Site Seals are harder to fake and offer a much-needed layer of protection for internet users as they try to discern the real sites from the fake ones.

  • Displays the trust mark on the internet.
  • Increases site traffic & conversions.
  • Reduces the risk of being blocked by web browsers & search engines.
  • High retention rate.
  • Proves your website or business is credible and established.
  • Helps to collect & respond to real customer feedback.
  • It demonstrates your commitment to customers.
It’s recommended that you display the site seal on all the pages of your website where customer assurance is essential such as sign-in pages, home pages, settings & preference pages or checkout pages.
As there are different types of SSL/TLS Certificates available, Site Seals differs, too. Generally, two kinds of site seals are available, Static Site Seals and Dynamic Site Seals. Let’s look into it.

Static Site Seal

Static Site Seals are generally an image file. It cannot be clicked. It is used to give information to website visitors that the website is secured. It comes with a Standard Validated SSL Certificate. An example of its usage can be seen in this blog post.

Dynamic Site Seal

As the name says, it’s dynamic. Here, a user can click on the site seal and a window will pop-up which will show specific information with a live timestamp and date. It’s one of the site seals which automatically generates every time a visitor arrives at a website. It’s offered with Organization Validation & Extended Validation SSL Certificates. Examples of its usage can be seen on any shopping portal.

Download Free Secure Site Seal from Popular Certificate Authorities:

Comodo Site Seal

Make your website visitors feel safe and confident by using the Site Seals offered by Comodo one of the renowned Certificates Authorities (CAs.) around the globe. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='comodo-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

Symantec/Norton Secure Site Seal

Give your customers peace of mind by making them feel safe and secured with the Symantec Site Seal, one of the most recognized and valued trust marks of the online world. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='symantec-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

RapidSSL Site Seal

Install the RapidSSL site seal and assure your website visitors that their details are provided to a genuine and secured website.To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='rapidssl-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

GeoTrust Site Seal

Show a sign of a secured website with the GeoTrust site seal and let users feel safe without being afraid of increased online threats. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div ><div ><a href=''><img src='' alt='geotrust-trust-seal'></a> </div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

DigiCert Site Seal

Make your organization’s website secured with DigiCert Site Seal, a well-recognized symbol of trust and security that prominently verifies your genuineness. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='digicert-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

Sectigo Site Seal

Display a visual stamp of security and an authentic entity on your website with Sectigo Site Seal and let users know the transmitted data is protected and secured with strong encryption. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='sectigo-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

GlobalSign Site Seal

Let your website visitors know that their safety is one of your main priority & website provides a safe and secure transaction by showing the GlobalSign Site Seal. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='globalsign-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

Entrust Site Seal

With Entrust Site Seal show your website users that they are on a secured website and lower the abandonment of shopping carts. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='entrust-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

Trustwave Site Seal


Boost your customer’s Confidence with Trustwave Site Seal & let them know that your website carries the highest level of encryption to protect them. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='trustwave-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div> Site Seal

Show visual indicator with the help of Site Seal that your organization values the privacy & online security of the visitors. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

Give your customers peace of mind with tls security certificate

Give Your Customers Peace Of Mind With Tls Security Level

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='sslcom-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

Peace Of Mind Lyrics

GoDaddy Trusted Site Seal

Assure your website visitors with GoDaddy Site Seal (GoDaddy Security Seal) that your website is safe & secure and boost their confidence to use your online services securely. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

Piece Of Mind

<div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='godaddy-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>

AlphaSSL Site Seal

Give Your Customers Peace Of Mind With Tls Security Settings

Display the sign of trustworthiness with the AlphaSSL site seal. Boost your website visitor’s confidence to share information on your website. To use this site seal, copy and paste the below code without making any change into it:

Give Your Customers Peace Of Mind With Tls Security Certificate

<div > <div><a href=''><img src='' alt='alphassl-trust-seal'></a></div><div><a href=''>SSL Checker</a></div></div>