Math 8mrs. Colville's Math Class

Class work is due by 3pm unless otherwise specified. Homework is due by 8am the following morning unless otherwise specified. If there are any challenges, please email me at my new address above. Remote learners will independently access each class by entering through the appropriate Google Classroom Tile. Use the document below as your daily bell work assignment. Download the document into Notability. Every Friday, you should e-mail your completed Bell Work to Mrs.

Our mission: 'Each student will have the educational opportunity to reach his or her maximum potential by challenging all students to higher levels of achievement. Creativity is important in mathematics! Math is about investigating patterns and solutions. Communication is needed! You need to be able to see, discuss, and critique math by using different mathematical representations and working with one another. Challenge yourself! You can only rise to the amount of effort you put into a task. Class Information Fun Websites & Games Welcome Page Parents' Math Blog. Shea’s Website 8.9-The Number Games: Arachna Graph: Level E & F Chapter 9.

Overview: This Math course is designed to prepare students for Algebra, which they will take their 9th grade year in high school. My goal as the teacher is to help students develop personal self-confidence, positive attitudes, and effective study skills in mathematics.

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Successful completion of the text material by the student with an average of 75% or above is expected. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be qualified to move on to the next level at the end of the year.

TEXT: Level H Math; Text: Big Ideas Math –LLC; 2015

  • Review of previous skills taught: Basic Math; Prime Numbers; Factorization; Properties, etc.
  • The Number System: Ch. 1 Integers/Ch. 2 Rational Numbers
  • Expressions and Equations: Ch. 3 Expressions & Equations/Ch. 4 Inequalities
  • Functions: Ch. 5 Ratios & Proportions/Ch. 6 Percents
  • Geometry: Ch. 7 Constructions and Scale Drawings/Ch. 8 Circles and Area/Ch. 9 Surface Area and Volume
  • Statistics and Probability: Ch. 10 Probability and Statistics
  • ( For a complete list of skills that students will learn this year, please visit my Math Curriculum Map link)

CLASS EXPECTATIONS: In order for students to successfully complete the work required, they are expected to read each lesson per section if a lesson is not read orally in class. Students are expected and required to keep a notebook of daily lessons, including various warm-up activities, example problems, and explanations. The purpose of this is to gain comfort and familiarity with the note-taking process, since it is a skill expected of them in high school. In addition, students will be required to complete assessments several times per trimester, so studying content is crucial to their success.

Homework: Daily homework will be given, including homework on the weekends. All assignments are corrected and reviewed on a daily basis. Homework does impact a child’s skill level, and is an extremely crucial part of mastering any new skill. Homework will be checked for completion daily; please refer to the Homework Policy in the Family Handbook on our SMS website for questions regarding late or absent work. It is essential that your child not fall behind; close monitoring of nightly assignments by parents and/or guardian is strongly encouraged. **Communication by all parties(Student/Teacher/Parent) is the key element to making sure your child succeeds in Math class this year!

OTHER ACTIVITIES: As they fit into the curriculum, projects and other hands-on activities will be done to introduce and reinforce math skills and understanding.

Assessments: There are two types of assessments given in this class: tests and quizzes. Tests will follow the completion of a chapter, and there will be at least one quiz given with each chapter. Assessments can be redone if an acceptable grade is not achieved. Specific instructions will be given in class as to how this will be done. I strongly encourage all students to attempt to redo any poor assessment grades, since it could increase their overall averages.

Math Workbook for Homework/Note Taking : Students will be using a math workbook to keep track of their notes and other important lesson information. This workbook is a combination of homework and note-taking sheets, and will be checked and graded. Notes taken are used frequently to review lessons, prepare for assessments, and to help on homework assignments. Student’s may also be using a math journal this year to work on their writing skills in math. Incorporating writing in math class will help students reflect on their learning, deepen their understanding of important concepts by explaining and providing examples of those concepts, and make important connections to real-life applications of the math they are learning. I will use the writing assignments to assess student understanding of important concepts, student proficiency in explaining and using those concepts, and each student’s attitude toward learning mathematics. Writing in mathematics is a win-win for both teacher and student!

ON-LINE HELP: The Big Ideas Math book has an on-line center where students can go to receive extra math help. The text book is also on-line. Every section of the book is covered! This is a great resource for students to use for preparing for assessments. The web address is (select the correct book and follow site keys). Your child will be given a log on username and password the first week of school for them to use during the year at home and school.

Khan academy

SUPPLIES: Textbook, notebook or loose-leaf paper (to be compiled into notebook), spiral notebook, graphing paper, pencil(s) with eraser(s), ruler, protractor, RED correcting pens, and a TI-30X IIS graphing calculator.

OTHER: Please monitor your child. The course will progress at a good pace in order to cover the necessary material. If your child does need extra help, I am available before school (starting at 8:00AM) and after school until 3:30PM.

****Here’s to a great year learning math together!!:):):):):)

Overview: This Math course is designed to prepare students for Pre-Algebra, which they will take their 7 or 8th grade year at St. Madeleines. My goal as the teacher is to help students develop personal self-confidence, positive attitudes, and effective study skills in mathematics.

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Successful completion of the text material by the student with an average of 75% or above is expected. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be qualified to move on to the next level at the end of the year.

Math 8mrs. Colville's Math Class 6

TEXT: Level G1 Math; Text: Big Ideas Math –LLC; 2015

  • Review of previous skills taught: Basic Math; Prime Numbers; Factorization; Properties, etc.
  • The Number System: Ch. 1 Integers/Ch. 2 Rational Numbers
  • Expressions and Equations: Ch. 3 Expressions & Equations/Ch. 4 Inequalities
  • Ratios and Proportional Relationships: Ch. 5 Ratios & Proportions/Ch. 6 Percents
  • Geometry: Ch. 7 Constructions and Scale Drawings/Ch. 8 Circles and Area/Ch. 9 Surface Area and Volume
  • Statistics and Probability: Ch. 10 Probability and Statistics
  • ( For a complete list of skills that students will learn this year, please visit my Math Curriculum Map link
  • CLASS EXPECTATIONS: In order for students to successfully complete the work required, they are expected to read each lesson per section if a lesson is not read orally in class. Students are expected and required to keep a notebook of daily lessons, including various warm-up activities, example problems, and explanations. The purpose of this is to gain comfort and familiarity with the note-taking process, since it is a skill expected of them in high school. In addition, students will be required to complete assessments several times per trimester, so studying content is crucial to their success.
Math 8mrs. colville

Homework: Daily homework will be given, including homework on the weekends. All assignments are corrected and reviewed on a daily basis. Homework does impact a child’s skill level, and is an extremely crucial part of mastering any new skill. Homework will be checked for completion daily; please refer to the Homework Policy in the Family Handbook on our SMS website for questions regarding late or absent work. It is essential that your child not fall behind; close monitoring of nightly assignments by parents and/or guardian is strongly encouraged. **Communication by all parties(Student/Teacher/Parent) is the key element to making sure your child succeeds in Math class this year!

Assessments: There are two types of assessments given in this class: tests and quizzes. Tests will follow the completion of a chapter, and there will be at least one quiz given with each chapter. Assessments can be redone if an acceptable grade is not achieved. Specific instructions will be given in class as to how this will be done. I strongly encourage all students to attempt to redo any poor assessment grades, since it could increase their overall averages.

Math 8mrs. Colville's Math Classes

Math Workbook for Homework/Note Taking : Students will be using a math workbook to keep track of their notes and other important lesson information. This workbook is a combination of homework and note-taking sheets, and will be checked and graded. Notes taken are used frequently to review lessons, prepare for assessments, and to help on homework assignments. Student’s may also be using a math journal this year to work on their writing skills in math. Incorporating writing in math class will help students reflect on their learning, deepen their understanding of important concepts by explaining and providing examples of those concepts, and make important connections to real-life applications of the math they are learning. I will use the writing assignments to assess student understanding of important concepts, student proficiency in explaining and using those concepts, and each student’s attitude toward learning mathematics. Writing in mathematics is a win-win for both teacher and student!

OTHER ACTIVITIES: As they fit into the curriculum, projects and other hands-on activities will be done to introduce and reinforce math skills and understanding.

ON-LINE HELP: The Big Ideas Math book has an on-line center where students can go to receive extra math help. The text book is also on-line. Every section of the book is covered! This is a great resource for students to use for preparing for assessments. The web address is: (select the correct book and follow site keys). Your child will be given a log on username and password the first week of school for them to use during the year at home and school.

Khan academy
YouTube — Great for practice; you get instant feedback! — Excellent reteaching / teaching videos; also has practice problems.

Math 8mrs. Colville's Math Classroom — Math Games that strengthen reasoning, computation,and logic skills that are fundamental to mathematical understanding. — Strengthening reasoning and logic skills. — this link takes you to a nice visualizer of factoring

Supplies: Textbook, college ruled paper, graphing paper, spiral notebook (math journal) pencils, erasers, red correcting pens, ruler, protractor, and a scientific graphing calculator; TI-30X IIS.

Other: The course will progress at a good pace in order to cover the necessary material. If your child does need extra help, I am available before school (starting at 8:00AM) and after school until 3:30 PM. If you are interested in a tutor for your child, please contact the office for references.


******Here’s to a great year learning math together!!:):):):):)