Windows 10 How To Open Dmg File

MacOS operating systems make use of dmg files for the installation of applications on your system for two fundamental reasons. The dmg files are like container folders that are used to install applications just like the ISO in Windows, let's say they are like virtual drives that can be mounted. On Mac we can install applications in different ways, one of them is to drag one of these dmg files to the Applications folder icon. To open a .dmg you just need to click twice on it. Its use is justified in two fundamental aspects:


Windows 10 How To Open Dmg File

This is because the operating system has an integrity validation function to determine that the file has not been manipulated at the code level.

To open a.dmg file in Windows 10, we turned to 7-Zip, an open-source tool that can be used to extract files on Windows. Alternatives like DMG Extractor should also be considered if 7-Zip doesn’t work for you. Follow these steps to open a.dmg file with 7-Zip: Download and install 7-Zip or an alternative extractor.

Windows 10 How To Open Dmg File Folder

According to the website HFSExplorer can open and read encrypted dmg images. HFSExplorer is an application that can read Mac-formatted hard disks and disk images. It can read the file systems HFS (Mac OS Standard), HFS+ (Mac OS Extended) and HFSX (Mac OS Extended with case sensitive file names). Dec 13, 2019 Open a DMG file in Windows. Though there isn’t much you can do with a.dmg file within Windows, there are ways to open the platform within your computer. Despite the differences between the core of Mac OS and Windows 10.dmg files can be read with the assistance of third-party apps.


Space dmg files are compressed so that the size of the applications is reduced by a high percentage.

For logical reasons, dmg files are not compatible with a Windows system since Microsoft enables ISO or Exe files for all its systems. Despite its apparent incompatibility, Solvetic will explain some useful ways to make it possible to open and access the contents of a dmg file in Windows.

1. Open dmg file using 7-zip in Windows 10

7-Zip is a free open source software in which most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license and other parts of the code are under the 3 clause BSD license.


7-Zip is a simple utility, but with great features such as:

  • High compression ratio in 7z format enabled with LZMA and LZMA2 compression
  • Supports compression level formats such as 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
  • At decompression level it supports AR, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, EXT, FAT, GPT, HFS, IHEX, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, QCOW2, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, UEFI, VDI, VHD, VMDK, WIM, XAR and Z.
  • It has AES-256 encryption levels in 7z and ZIP formats
  • Can be integrated with Windows PowerShell
  • It has self-extracting capacity for 7z format
  • Integrate a file manager
  • Compatible to be used from the command line
  • Available in more than 80 languages

Step 1
Your download is available at the following link.


Step 2
Once 7-Zip is installed on Windows, we will right click on the dmg file and select the “7-Zip / Open archive” option:

Step 3
This will allow us to access the contents of the dmg file:

Step 4
Now, if we want to extract the contents of the dmg file for better manipulation in Windows, it is possible to extract the content locally and thus work better on them, for this, we will right click on the dmg file and see the following:


Step 5
There we can select the following:

Extract file

We can indicate a specific folder for extraction.

Extract here

extract the content in the folder where the dmg file is.

Extract to

extract the content into a predefined folder.

Step 6
Once the best option is selected, the content extraction process will begin:

Step 7
There we will see all the details associated with this task. Once the extraction process is finished we will see the folder with the respective files:

2. Open dmg file using DMG Extractor in Windows 10

DMG Extractor is a free application that is capable of opening various formats and disk image files including, hence, its name, .dmg files and encrypted dmg files without the need to convert them first to ISO or IMG files as is common. This tool works with Raw, Zlib, Bzip2 and Zero Block.


Among its characteristics we find:

  • You can automatically extract the contents of the files locally to the computer.
  • Open encrypted or unencrypted dmg files
  • It is capable of extracting dmg files of more than 4 GB
  • Simple use interface
  • No spyware or advertising
  • quick Install

Step 1
Your download is available at the following link:

DMG Extractor

Step 2
Once the utility is installed, we can double-click on the dmg file or use the Open DMG extractor option to see the contents of the dmg file:

Step 3
From there it will be possible to extract, if necessary, the contents of the dmg file, for this we click on the “Extract” button and it will be possible to extract it in the same folder, in another location or select only which files have to be extracted:

3. Open dmg file using UltraISO in Windows 10

This is a free utility developed for all ISO image management including dmg files.

Windows 10 How To Open Dmg Files

UltraISO is basically a tool for creating, editing and converting ISO CD / DVD image files and has a bootable CD or DVD creator. It also allows us to directly edit the CD / DVD image file and extract files and folders from it or, if necessary, directly create ISO files from the CD / DVD-ROM or hard drive.


Among its benefits we find:

  • You can directly extract files and folders from the ISO image file
  • Allows you to directly edit the ISO image file.
  • It will be possible to add, delete, create a new directory or rename the image content of the ISO file.
  • It allows to make an ISO file from the document of the hard disk.
  • Compatible with image formats such as .ISO, .BIN, .IMG, CIF, .NRG, MDS, .CCD, BWI, ISZ, .DMG, DAA, .UIF, HFS.
  • Compatible with ISO 9660 Level1 / 2/3 and Joliet extension
  • Supports Shell document type integration

Step 1
Your free download is available at the following link:


Step 2
Once installed, we go to the File / Open menu or we can use the following keys:

Windows 10 How To Open Dmg File Free Download

Ctrl + O

Windows 10 How To Open Dmg File Free Online

Step 3
Let's go to the path where the dmg file is:

Windows 10 How To Open Dmg File Opener

Step 4
Click on Open and we will access the content of this:

Step 5
It will now be possible to make use of all available UltraISO tools:


Windows 10 How To Open Dmg File And Run The Install Command

With any of these utilities we can access and work with the dmg files in Windows without problems.