Drawing Customers To Your New Online Store

Whether you just opened a new restaurant or want to boost your existing business, you’re probably hoping to learn restaurant strategies to attract customers. However, many of the common ways people think of to grow their business are too involved or expensive to be practical.

Ideas like taking out an ad in the local paper or paying for a spot on the radio may seem great on the surface. However, they target a very broad audience. Even worse, they are quite expensive. While they may drive some traffic, you may not recoup what you invest in advertisement expenses. Even worse, they will only work for a short period of time.

But before you do, you might want to consider what impression you wish your store will give to customers. Trust is one of the biggest challenges faced by new online stores. Even when you get customers to your site, they may not buy your product simply because the store appears new, and they have no way of knowing if it is legitimate or not. Most of my 'new' customers come in because they know I am there.they drive by every day.they shop in the center. However I still have to attract their attention when they are not specifically looking for framing services. Thus, I carry a small amount of unique 'artsy' gifts, and display them on tables in the store window-fronts. .Drum roll. The secret to marketing your online store is to keep your customer engaged with your website by showing them your personality. The secret is to keep your customer so interested in what you have to say that they don’t even realize that you are selling to them. And to accomplish this feat, you need to have engaging content.

Trying to draw new business is difficult. Business owners may try many ideas that not only cost money but also prove ineffective at long-term improvement. If you hope to attract more customers to your restaurant, you also likely want to minimize the cost involved. Thankfully, there are some great ideas for how to attract more customers to your restaurant without breaking the bank.

During the holiday season, you can also top your FAQ page with a “special holiday FAQ section” so busy customers can find out fast what your order deadline is for Christmas delivery or if your online store will wrap holiday gifts. For example, you could adapt what Levi’s has done here and have a Holiday FAQ sidebar where they have Popular.

1. Collaborate on Special Offers with Local Businesses

One issue that many restaurants run into when using specials, discounts, or other promotions to drive sales as the cost. In order to create an offer that is tempting enough to bring new customers in, you generally need to offer a pretty substantial price reduction. Many people are not willing to gamble there evening out or fun money on a restaurant they have never been to at full price.

Offering buy-one-get-one discounts and similar sales could draw in people, but it may not really bring the right demographic. Worse, you may find that you don’t actually attract repeat customers.

An often overlooked but great solution is to partner with other local businesses for promotions. As a restaurant, you are a perfect partner for promotion with movie theaters, entertainment venues, and other fun places, like escape rooms. If you are a pizza place, partnering with a local video arcade could be a good idea. If you are fine dining, consider working with the local civic theater.

Ideally, people can purchase dinner for two or four at a discounted rate if they also purchase event tickets. Other times, people receive a discount on event tickets if they show proof that they ate at your restaurant. Try reaching out to some nearby entertainment hot spots to see if any of them would like to share the costs of driving more business to both of your companies.

2. Offer Free Wi-Fi

Never underestimate the power of the internet. While it’s true that you should be harnessing the internet to help promote your business and streamline its operations, you should also be offering internet to your customers. It can get more people in the doors and may keep them in your business longer.

In big cities, free Wi-Fi is basically an expectation for any business that hosts customers. People will expect to be able to check their email or social media pages while waiting for their food. If you are any more rural area, having free Wi-Fi could actually make you a destination for customers. If people know they can come to you when they need to get online, that can certainly help drive business.


If you find that people are coming in and not buying anything while using your Internet, you may want to employ the strategy of offering your current Wi-Fi password for customers when they buy a food item or beverage. Changing the password regularly will help ensure that freeloaders don’t take up space that could be used by paying customers.

3. E-mail Marketing Incentives

Just because you are a brick-and-mortar business doesn’t mean you can’t use online marketing to drive sales. One of the fastest and easiest ways to build a customer database is to leave out a sign-up sheet for your newsletter. You should also include sign up links on your website and any relevant social media pages, from Snapchat to Facebook.

By offering discount codes to customers for signing up, you will drive interest in following your business. Regularly offering special sales and exclusive incentives to online followers and newsletter subscribers can also drive traffic.

Someone who signs up for your newsletter likely already has an interest in your restaurant and its menu. Offering half off of an appetizer or extended Happy Hour specials for those with a newsletter-only coupon code can help convert those digital followers to real life income.

The best way to approach this is usually to offer a higher incentive for the initial sign-up, like a free appetizer or a buy one get one free coupon for entrees. After that, more modest discounts, like 10 or 15 percent off your purchase, will also help drive sales.

4. Capitalize Your Hours

If you don’t already do so, you should track when you make the most sales. Understanding macro trends in your customers’ patterns can help you maximize your profits. Most restaurants will find that they are slower on certain days of the week, certain times of the year, and even certain times during the day.

You can turn those slow times into some of your busiest hours by offering specific discounts and specials. Many restaurants find that Mondays and Tuesdays are slower than other days of the week. If that is the case for your business, consider offering daily specials on Monday and Tuesday.

For example, Monday could be a day when you offer half off appetizers. Tuesday could be a day where you offer Happy Hour pricing for the entire afternoon. Those specials will help incentivize people to visit during times that are historically slow for your restaurant.

Similarly, Happy Hour discounts are often used to draw in customers at times that are usually slow for your business. Many times, this is the downtime between the lunch rush and the dinner hour. Use discounts and specials to get customers in the doors, and they will come back as long as the service and the food meet their expectations.

Drawing Customers To Your New Online Store Using

5. Reaching Out to Local Foodies in Your Area

As we said before, you simply cannot underestimate the power of the internet. While local gourmands and foodies used to only talk with your friends and coworkers about their preferences, now they have a much broader audience.


Whether they post reviews on Yelp, Facebook, or their personal blog, people with good taste and adventurous dining habits often find themselves with hundreds of followers in a short period of time. Reaching out to these people individually is a great way to use their social media influence for your benefit.

Offer them and a guest a free meal at your restaurant, provided that they do an honest review. You could even create a special for anyone who comes in from their review by creating a coupon code discount they can share with follows.

This special discount appeals both to the ego of the blogger you reach out to and to the people who follow them online. You could make hundreds of dollars in revenue off of one free set of entrees and desserts. Even better, you’ll have the goodwill of a popular local influencer and a lasting online review praising your business.

6. Start a Group

People want more from local businesses than they did in decades past. Many times, people come to physical businesses because they are seeking a sense of community. While you can achieve that to some degree with friendly wait staff and personalized service, that may not take it far enough.

Consider what your business offers to its consumers and what you represent to the local community. Explore how you could create a community or group that would benefit from your business. This is a low-cost way to drive engagement and interest in your eatery.

For example, if you have smoothies and freshly squeezed juice, starting a support group for a 21-day juice cleanse could be a great way to get repeat customers in the door every day for weeks. If you are an Italian restaurant, you might want to start an Italian club, where people learning the language come in weekly to practice and enjoy a glass of wine.

The options are as unlimited as the infinite variety of foods and cuisines available to restaurants. You can also choose to offer discounts to people who join your group, and remember that participation in the group being free will draw the most people.

7. Have an Easy to Use Online Ordering App

As a locally-owned small business, you probably worry that the expense of developing a proprietary app for cell phones and tablets is too much of an investment. For many businesses, the cost outweighs the benefits.

Thankfully, there are already many different options of user-friendly apps that can work with your business for food delivery and online ordering. Yelp, for example, will allow you to upload a menu to the website so that customers can order as soon as they find you online. You can offer other apps for takeout orders, as well as a variety of options for delivery services. Even Uber has its own special food delivery service that you can utilize.

You may think that online ordering is a tiny segment of the population, but that is not accurate. According to Fortune Magazine, in 2017, 6. 6 percent of all restaurant orderscame through online ordering or apps. That is higher than the 5 percent allocated for phone orders.

Many modern customers simply find it more convenient to make choices at their own convenience instead of dealing with a frazzled employee over the phone. Chances are good that the portion of orders that come in over apps will only expand as mobile phone usage increases.

8. Host Major Events

Special events are a great way to get people into your business. It’s also one of the easiest ways to help create fond memories of your eatery in the local public. If you have televisions in your space, consider hosting special event nights related to sporting events, like the Super Bowl.

Even if you don’t have televisions, you can still offer special events and celebratory parties that will draw the local public to your business. New Year’s Eve is a great night to offer a special prix fixe menu and early reservations for customers. You could potentially sell out your entire restaurant weeks before the holiday even hits.

If you don’t go that upscale, consider throwing a Halloween party where everyone who shows up in a costume gets half off a drink or a discounted appetizer. If you have more of an intimate ambiance, a singles mixer on Valentine’s Day or Sweetest Day would be an ideal way to get people into your restaurant and associating positive memories with your business.

For restaurants with the space, offering to host special events for local groups and even families can be quite lucrative. Developing an area as a banquet space where businesses or other groups can rent the room and obtain food for guests is a great way to make your business a destination while also raking in the profits.

9. Giving Away Free Gift Cards to Your Restaurant

One of the easiest ways to get more people to come in and try your business for the first time is to offer free food. Of course, just handing out free appetizers or desserts to anyone who walks into your restaurant will cost you a lot of money.

Instead, give away gift cards. That way, you can control how much money you invest in promoting the business. Give $20 gift cards to a local charity that’s running an auction. Donate gift cards to the radio station to give away to the 10th caller after a certain song. Not only will your business benefit from having your name associated with the giveaway, those gift cards will get people in your restaurant trying your food.

You can also offer discounted gift cards, such as buy $20 worth of gift cards and get $30 instead. Chances are good that if customers like your food, they will spend more than the amount on the gift card, and they will come back again later.

10. Reach Out to Your Media Outlets

Local food culture has never been as trendy as it is right now. People love to think they know the hottest and hippest restaurants in their area. Regardless of what your niche is, there is something exciting about your business. Identify that and then reach out to local news outlets. You could try the local television news or even morning radio shows.

You may have a point of interest because your business was founded by an immigrant who has been in the country for decades. Maybe you offer a unique food that no one else in the area serves. Perhaps you have a gorgeous painting created by a local artist featured on one of your walls. Maybe your chef has been working in local restaurants for half a century.

Whatever it is, if it’s interesting to you, it might make a good local interest piece for the local media. Write-ups in the local newspaper or special features on television news or radio shows can certainly increase local interest in your restaurant.

It’s now easier than ever to launch an online store with brilliant store builder platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Weebly. No more worries if you are not tech-savvy, you can build your own one with only some drag and drop steps within 5 minutes! Nevertheless, as a brand new store owner, the first and foremost struggle is going to be how to bring customers to your online store.

You’ve finally done all the things you can do to launch your product to the world, but it doesn’t matter how much time and effort did you put into your store if your product can’t reach the group of potential customers.

The good news is…

To make the battle easier to win, below are 47 easy, yet effective, ways to drive traffic to your store when you have a really tight budget. You won’t know what works for you till you try it. So let’s start getting you some traffic.


“With almost 93 percent of consumers turning to social media to help make buying decisions; and 90 percent of them saying they trust product recommendations from their peers and colleagues, avoiding social media simply isn’t an option if you want to compete online”, says Anupam on Acelerar Blog

1. Look up your friends

For online sellers, friends are the most potential customers. Besides, they have already known you and trust you, it’s easier to sell to them than others. Online sellers’ closest people in life are on Facebook. If you have or haven’t thought about it yet, definitely look to see if any of your friends are in the market. You can do it by updating a status, posting new pictures… or just simply message them.

2. Look for Fan Pages

There’re fan pages for just about anything you can think of. People that like those pages in your market are great people to talk to, they’re your potential customers as well. Let’s ask the page admins to see if they can introduce your product on their pages. Online sellers who have leveraged this way have found it cheaper than Facebook ads, even when they pay for the Fan Page owner. Just click the “Message” button on one potential fan page and create a new chance to sell your product.

3. Run Targeted Facebook Ads

No matter what you are doing to promote your store, advertising on Facebook should never be neglected. If you think you really know your audience demographics, then running a small set of Facebook ads to a landing page, can be a great way to gather interest. If you don’t know how, then take a look at this “How to advertise your online sales on Facebook Ads”

4. Try the new Graph Search

It’s worth searching for things related to your market to see if anything else turns up, especially now that you can message people you aren’t friends with. In particular, Facebook has a great geographic filtering ability you won’t find on Twitter or elsewhere.


Drawing Customers To Your New Online Store Account

5. Ask your followers

If you have any kind of follower base, you should definitely tweet about your products. If you don’t have a big follower base, ask your friends to Retweet you and share some thoughts about your product. Word-of-mouth is a powerful way when it comes to sales and conversion. As you develop your idea, you may want to tweet different requests, which may be seen by different people since no one sees every tweet of their followers.

6. Ask your followers for referrals

It’s not just about who you know. The bigger benefit is who your network knows so be sure to not just ask people you follow or follow you. You can ask for your followers’ referrals about your products or services. Maybe some of their followers will be your potential customers.

7. Ask Twitter Accounts to tweet on your behalf

Just like you can ask Fan Page Admins on Facebook to talk about you, you can reach out to Twitter accounts in your target market to see if they’ll tweet something for you or Retweet you.

8. Search for relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are a big part of Twitter for many markets. Finding accounts using the hashtag and reach out to them and join the conversations happening is a great way to get started. You can find relevant hashtags by asking others or checking out sites like Hashtags.org.

9. Join a Twitter Chat

Many groups have regular chats that can be found based on the group’s hashtag they use. This is a great way to ask questions and engage your target audience if they’re holding Twitter chats. More people you reach, more chances for you to get more customers.


10. Email relevant friends/contacts

You can send emails to all your contacts in one big dump advertising your products. What will yield a better result is if you invest the time to be more targeted in who you reach out to. Close friends and family won’t mind, especially those actually related to your target industry.

Google AdWords & other ad networks

11. Make your Google Chat status a call for help/intros

This may seem simple and passive, but you’d be surprised who reads your Google Chat status. Writing a note about what you’re looking for and leave it up for a few days and you might just get a few people to reach out to you. This works for other chat tools as well, of course.

12. Make your signature a call for help/intros

Just like your Google Chat, status is a long tail way to get people’s attention, you can use your email signature the same way. Below your name in your signature is the perfect place to let people know. Don’t forget to update your mobile app’s signature as well as your computer’s.


13. Join & Attend Meetups in your category

Meetup has become an amazing hub of groups about any topic you can think of. Through offline meetups, you can meet your potential customers, it’s also a good chance for you to know more about their buying behaviors, interests, habits to improve product quality. The best thing is, you can introduce your products to those who really care about it.

14. Ask organizers to message the group

Organizers have unique privileges to send messages to their groups. You don’t get what you don’t ask for, so don’t be afraid to reach out to group organizers to talk to them (they may be a great target user) and see if they’ll message the group. They often make no money in running their groups, so you can think of them like the Facebook Fan Page owners previously mentioned.

15. Ask the organizer to allow you to address the audience at a Meetup

Potentially even better than getting into everyone’s cluttered inbox is the opportunity to address the whole group at one of their events. This allows your potential customers immediately approach you.

16. Mention in your Meetup profile what you’re looking for

Like the Google Chat status, this is a passive move that lets you spread the news to strangers, you’d be surprised how often people read the profiles of other new members in a group. Be sure to include your desired contact method if you want Meetup members to reach out to you.

17. Message customers on Meetup.com

Not every member of a Meetup group attends every event and if there’s no upcoming meetups or it’s a group outside your area, you can still reach customers by sending them individual messages. Meetup has a limit of 12 messages per day, which is still enough to get some quality responses.

18.Create a Meetup group

Just because a group doesn’t exist, does not mean there would not be interest. Countless people have launched successful businesses based on the idea of organizing a high value group. Just remember that if you do this, not only will you build trust and relationships with all the attendees, you’ll be the organizer who can send all those messages, decide who addresses the audience, etc.

Content marketing

19. Write a blog post about your product/service

You can write blog posts about your product/ service and share helpful tips with your customers, it’s also a good way to express your product ideas.

For example, if you’re running a dropshipping store specializing in cosmetics, you can write a blog post to introduce a new makeup collection or share some makeup tutorials. If it resonates with customers, they will share, up-vote, tweet, etc. Some will even visit your store as long as you remember to have a call to action to encourage them at the end.

20. Post your blog to discussion sites in appropriate categories

Before posting, make sure you actually post it somewhere it’s welcomed. By posting it to these sites you’ll significantly get some shares and interesting comments from other people.

21. Update your About Page for what you’re looking for

It is always beneficial to list what you’re looking for on your “About page”. The most engaged people on your blog are likely to click to your “About page” to see who you are and what you sell.

22. Make a page on your blog just about your market

It’s important to organize your information in a way that people can easily navigate it. If you’re writing a whole series of items or have already created a lot of related content, this can be a great way to assert your expertise and act as a honeypot to draw in interested potential customers.

Promote your store in real life

23. Look for unhappy people with a service/product

You can always have new customers by looking for unsatisfied ones on your competitors’ online stores. You cannot make all your customers happy, neither can your competitors. The easiest way is to search for customers’ complains, bad reviews…and talk to them, trying your best to turn them into your customers. This can be a real double-edge sword strategy if you do it wrong, because the unhappy customers don’t mind giving a bad review on your store like they did with your competitors.

24.Go to places you know they’ll congregate

Have an idea for people that own boats? Then going to your local marina is a *great* place to find boaters to talk to. Golfers might just be at the golf course or driving range, frequent fliers at an airport and teachers at a school. Timing is obviously everything, so be cognizant of when someone looks like they’re approachable and have time to kill versus trying to hurry somewhere else. 8 Your existing customers base (even if small)

25. Offer Referral Program

You need a great product before you should be trying to aggressively hack your growth, but that shouldn’t stop you from offering an incentive to your existing customers to help you get more visitors. They likely know where to find more of them (their social graph, emailing friends, etc.) so a little incentive will get them to help you out. Checkout Boost app will help you do this tactic easily, which allows you to set free gifts, free shipping or discount to customers if they share their cart on Facebook, Twitter,… It not only encourages them to complete their order to grab your offer, but also helps you reach more new customers on social networks.

26. Ask your customers via email

Especially in the early days, you should regularly talk to your customers and ask them for their experience when using your product/service. As part of those updates for new features, don’t be afraid to ask them for referrals to more visitors or people to talk to.

27. Always ask your customers when you talk

Whether you’re doing a customer development interview or just talking to a customer for referrals… remember you won’t get what you don’t ask for. Ask them both if they know anyone specific who might also be interested in your products, as well as places they find your product.

28. Ask Moderators to post on your behalf or run an ad

Drawing Customers To Your New Online Store Without

Moderators are the most passionate people on a community site. Therefore, much like some of the previously mentioned Fan Pages, etc., they may be open to post on your behalf or running an ad for a very small fee. They’ll know the ins and outs of the site, which will give you a better chance of reaching more audiences.

29. Run AdWords with a landing page

An efficient way (though at times costly) to build an early bird list is to run a quick, targeted AdWords campaign linking to a sign up landing page. There’s also good advice on evaluating the success or failure of such a campaign here. Remember that paying to get a bunch of people on a list doesn’t validate much on its own. It’s then using that list to reach out to customers and talk to them and ask them to pay for something that does.

30. Run ads on lesser known networks

Google may have the largest audience, but not the cheapest or best targeted. Consider your market and think about if other ad networks would work better. There’s everything to consider from Yahoo and Bing or mobile ad networks and blogger ad networks.

31. Have your SEO basics in order

What’s better than the perfect AdWords campaign? Showing up organically for searches on your target keywords. Great SEO takes time, but you can make sure to have the basics right from day 1 so that you can at least get a trickle of interested customers to your blog or site.


32. Ask for mentions in a newsletter

In addition to talking to newsletter owners as potential early adopters, you can also ask them for exposure. Many newsletters have no formal advertising system, so you can just go direct to them to ask for a mention for little even no cost. The more excited they are for what you’re doing, the less likely it will cost you anything.

33. Start your own newsletter

If you don’t find any newsletters in your category, then don’t be afraid to start your own. It will take time to build up audience base, but it’s a great way to put to work all those sign ups you’ve been driving to your landing page. Often times, it’s easier to have people sign up on a newsletter and then later convert them to a paying customer.

Your Competition

34. Watch what they do

As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Chances are your competition has figured out at least a couple of spots where your customers exist and you can enter the conversation there as well. In more modern terms, if something they do works, then consider Job’s favorite quote, “Great artists steal.” Like their Facebook page, and follow the company and key employees on Twitter for some inspiration based on what they link to.

35. Use research tools

Tools like MixRank, which shows the ads a site has been running, and Spyfu, which shows you the expected ad spend and keywords purchased for competition. If you’re looking for inspiration on the kinds of ads to try, those tools will help you get there.

Leveraging the Physical World

36. Post an offer in public places

Drawing Customers To Your New Online Store For A

Bulletin boards still physically exist in many places and people still put up physical signs for all kinds of things. The stereotype are things like meetings and guitar lessons, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get attention being creative. If you know there are places your target audience will go to or pass by, consider posting something to get their attentions.

37. Use handouts, fliers or mailers

If hanging something up and hoping people will read it and respond doesn’t work for you, consider a more 1 to 1 communication through handouts you can give out or mail.

38. Buy competitors’ product/ service

So you want to start an online store? Try buying products from your competitors or from other online stores; learning some tricks from them and also avoiding their mistakes to enhance your business. By doing that, you will understand their customers service, shipping policy, return and refund policy… and then have a good operation plan for your own stores.

39. Be sure you’re setup for omnichannel shopping

Today’s consumers want to be able to purchase in-store and online. Businesses who optimize omnichannel retail efforts actually retain 89% of their customers while those who do not only retain about 33% (Source). Luckily, modern eCommerce platforms make it easy for you with state-of-the-art technology. Make sure to use a credit card terminal that connects to your online and offline inventory to automate your processes.”


40. Talk to YouTube Channel Influencers

YouTube is filled with creators making content on all kinds of markets. If you go to Youtube’s channel search, you can search for topic of your niche and see who have channels and how many subscribers they have. Just like you can talk to bloggers as experts in a market, you can learn a lot by interviewing channel influencers.

41. Ask channel influencers for promotion

If your idea resonates with the channel owner, there’s a good chance you can get them to talk about you on one of their episodes or maybe even have you as a guest. They may charge you a fee, but if it’s your exact target audience, it might just be worth it.

42. Start your own channel

If you think video is a great medium to communicate with your audience then creating a channel to connect with them may be a great option. Just like starting your own Meetup group, it can initially be hard, but once you’ve built an audience it will have a great, long-term payoff. Michelle Phan is a great example, as she has her own channel with over 7 million subscribers. She also owns a personal blog in which she discusses different makeup tutorials and receives request for further instruction. Until now, she has successfully built her own cosmetic line called “em” and become one of the most famous YouTube stars.

43. Run ads on YouTube

YouTube leverages Google’s ad powers to run targeted ads. You only pay for the ads people fully watch (not skip) so if video seems a powerful way to communicate with your audience, it’s worth experimenting.


We hope our 40+ tips to bring customers to your online store above have inspired you and point you in the right direction finding those difficult first few customers. There are many, many more ways to find your first customers, so let your creativity run wild.

So, share with us, what are the cleverest ways you’ve heard to make your first sale?

Wanna get more sales tips or share your thoughts with us? Let’s connect at hi@beeketing.com.

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